With Balance overheads, you don’t need to stand to operate. Simply reach up and open using either the upper or lower door – both swing open simultaneously and stay balanced at any point. A Balance overhead mounted to a 66″-high panel opens and closes with a reach of 49″, making it wheelchair accessible for a side reach. A 48″-high front reach can be achieved by lowering the overhead 1″ on the panel. Both measurements meet ADA 4.2.5 and 4.2.6.To comply with ADA 4.27.4, the lower door of a Balance overhead was designed for operation with a closed fist or a hook. It requires only about two foot-pounds of force to open and close, which is less than half the ADA maximum guideline of five foot-pounds of force.Balance overhead doors open to the outside of the cabinet, which helps prevent the storage of unsightly papers on the top of the cabinet, yet there is a narrow space at the rear of the cabinet to display plants or other small items. The cabinet also accommodates both A4 and foolscap binders.Choose from a wide variety of color combinations to create the look you desire. The overhead cabinet is available in all KI powdercoated paint colors. The door is available in the five KI core colors, high-pressure laminates and vertical surface fabrics. Or, go translucent for a contemporary look. Balance overheads are compatible with all KI product lines and come with a lifetime warranty on all moving parts.