WireWorks office panel system is like none other, with its unsurpassed creative freedom, power and data management, and ability to reconfigure even after installation.
WireWorks panel system offers unequaled creative freedom. Monolithic and segmented tiles, in a variety of acoustical tackable, steel or glass finishes, all work within the same frame. Segments as small as 6″ can be incorporated in either direction horizontally or vertically to make a design statement using only tiles. Universal corner connectors keep inventory low by accommodating 90-degree, 3-way and 4-way intersections. WireWorks panel system has stacking sections that give you the freedom to build panel heights up to 12 feet. Create a private office with a door using panel stackers, and use creative tile options to add vitality and interest to the space inside. Step-down walls, integrated tables, and panel hung surfaces are also available. Plus, all WireWorks panels can be used as a spine wall to accommodate off-module panel connectors. All segmented panels can also accommodate off-module storage components.
WireWorks panel system manages power and data like no other system can. You can run wiring anywhere along the panel, even along the sides of windows or open frames. Every base raceway accommodates at least 48 cables, which are laid in with no threading. And don’t worry about having to thread cables around corners with WireWorks. Lay over 200 Cat 5 UTP cables behind acoustic or steel tiles and around intersections. Every WireWorks panel has plenty of interior space to store excess cabling. Add visual interest while concealing power and data lines. Chimney tiles and stacking sections can bring power from a ceiling as high as 12 feet through panels to users, with an architectural structure hiding the cable chase in place of unsightly power poles.
Reconfiguration with WireWorks is a breeze. Tiles and even rails can be added or removed without dismantling existing panels. Want a shorter panel in the middle of a run? Just lift off the top horizontal panel and add trim instead. WireWorks panel system gives you the flexibility to change any panel to full glass or any combination of heights in six-inch increments from 30-84″ high. You can even add power and data access tiles onsite, since the same frame supports them, too!